I am saying he needs to take a cue from his environment and understand why his actions are narcissistic and ethnocentric. It’s absolutely not surprising that this is his course of action.
And we are not looking for sympathy. This is not about sympathy. It is about righteous indignation and resilience. Two things this person knows nothing about.
And he has not suffered by any stretch of the imagination. For him to categorize himself as such is like a slap in the face to the Movement.
Too many times white people with fragile egos misunderstand the difference between hurt feelings and actual harm. I don’t think any of us are in a position to make a conviction or speak truth to this person’s case because the bottom line is we weren’t there. But the optics do not look good, and history and present circumstances give way to clearly supported evidence that white fragility is such to the point that many whites will equate it their suffering, but in reality, it is not.
It is incomparable to any discussion of Justice from my lens, because it is not the same thing.
It shows his privilege to see him sue the institution. It’s absolutely ridiculous. When marginalized people, women of color in particular suffer, do you have any idea how incredibly risky it is for us to come out of the shadows and speak? To say what happened? To file anything? We are crucified. So unfortunately this is not about a bitter diatribe of a woman who suffered and wants others to suffer too. It is indeed looking at power dynamics and understanding the nuances of power in reality and in the light of day.
This person has the unmitigated gall to probably have been the one to continue pushing the safety of the space by saying inappropriate things and i wouldn’t be surprised if he created the hostile environment himself and then tried to gaslight people into thinking it was the other way around.
That is the danger of ignorance and arrogance of white privilege in systems.
Justice would have of course been that this white professor of mine no longer teaches and that everyone who looks like me could feel safe to not only report crimes that have occurred against women of color but not be dismissed and further dehumanized by doing so. But we have grown up knowing the consequences. Look at what is happening with shanquella Robinson right now. No Justice and there is ample evidence.
So it is better for me to have kept my wits, found resources to heal, and pressed forward toward the goal. For me, in that time, that is the measure of Justice. We go on and go forward to hope and fight for more for our sisters in the future. To compare this journey to this white person’s at Howard’s is one I find utterly disrespectful.
This person suing Howard is truly misguided, and has nothing to do with discrimination to me, and everything to do with his arrogance and incessant need to be right.