Pardon Ya Girl. A Bitch Got More Views Than Drake.
Please Stop Using Social Media to Become an Armchair Therapist
Unsolicited Public service announcement from ya girl .
Stop using the lingo without understanding it. Recently a man told me I was a love bombing bipolar toxic person in the span of like a day. Normally I reserve my actual thoughts for supervision at my job. But on this day this man caught hands personally. I was not at work. He caught hood Bree.
I unleashed on this man and let him know what TF is up with this basic ass thought pattern and complete inability to discern pop psychology psycho babble bullshit from real accountability of self and willingness to seed change and remolding of neurodevelopmental plasticity over time. Basically. I just have had enough of the profession being made into free IG reels.
Please stop getting your mental health pop cultural buzz words from IG and God Forbid from Tik Tok and just take yourself to an actual clinician.
Not everyone is a trauma bonder. Not everyone is a sociopath. Not everyone has psychosis. Not everyone is a narcissist. Not everyone is toxic. Actually no one is toxic. People can usually have some toxic tendency but no human themselves is actually toxic as a person. And using “you’re bipolar” as a way to try and communicate you don’t understand someone’s behavior is just ignorant and stigmatizing to people who actually have bipolar. Which by the way, is very treatable and is a simple mood disorder. FOH. I feel like I’m losing brain cells even explaining this to grown adults.
This type of weaponization of mental health lingo as a way to effectively shame, further colonize via the already harmful and controversial Western system of mental health and psychiatric criterion, inappropriately and unethically (if someone even is licensed or provisionally licensed) diagnose, humiliate, hurt, or control someone is not just mean, it’s actually the opposite to what therapy is supposed to be for.
Meeting someone where they’re at so they can feel safe enough to unpack their own pain over time, answer questions, provide answers and responses to explore and wrestle with, and come to their own breakthroughs and alliances, peace, and healing. Over time. Not after watching a MF tik tok or swiping through IG reels and slides for 20 min while subconsciously plotting how they’re gonna build up their arsenal of mental health weaponry against a friend, a relative, a partner, whoever.
Like this trend is probably the most Ick since that damn Wop Dance hit IG.
I am not a fan.
So yeah. For the love of God.
Please Stop saying this shit to each other. It is inappropriate and actually super mean. And you look and sound like a bunch of high key, bona fide pretentious, judgmental, colonized assholes.
You know.
Not speaking on any clinical advice. Just as a human being. Why would you say, “You’re toxic AF?” You wouldn’t say, “You’re dumb AF,” with as much bravado to just anyone now, would you?
Yeah. The armchair therapy and that shadow book talk. Please. If you want therapeutic counseling.
Go to therapy, build a rapport, therapeutic alliance with a clinician, set goals, and change your own life. Stop spewing a bunch of buzz words onto others like you know best and are doing it as a way to “protect your peace” while screaming at someone “I’m trying to heal!”
#armchairtherapy #socialmediaisfake #therapy #mentalhealth #gotoanactualtherapist #psa #publicserviceannouncement