So I called my dad after this happened. Literally we both said it was like watching a person stand up for himself who has been repeatedly bullied and just kind of snaps.
It was wrong to respond with violence but it was also super understandable and justified. My dad got very “dad like” and was just like, “I didn’t even feel angry. I just felt so bad for Will Smith because you can tell he just lost it.” Chris Rock is super funny but he can also be such an asshole. He does punch down on people, which is just lame. Honestly all I could do was just feel so bad for Will Smith because you know he was completely humiliated and provoked. But also it’s like. That’s still his wife, and if they weren’t famous, none of us would have any idea what they’d gone through as a couple and the infidelity and whatever. I never really thought of famous people as so vulnerable because they have a lot of power and privilege but it really is situational. I don’t know what I would have done if something like that happened to me. It’s just so mean (Chris Rock).

Anyway. Great article. Very thought provoking and very human.



정유선, Retired Soloist @rccltalent, LSW, PhD Student
정유선, Retired Soloist @rccltalent, LSW, PhD Student

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