Thank you for reading. Your response is re enforcing evidence that whites feel their love trumps self determination for marginalized people of color.

The basis of your argument misses the structural racism embedded within the creation of and continuation of both statutes and systems that govern removal, relinquishment, and return.

International adoption is heavily unregulated. Even immigration law practitioners are warned of this. It is child trafficking in a pretty bow to appease both economic stimulation and the Whites who wish to play Savior.

White privilege within the adoption and foster system exercises power as love. It is abusive and egregious, and apparently, missed by you entirely.

I am adopted. I also worked many years in child welfare. You needn’t paternalistically explain both my personal, lived experience nor my professional experiences either. I lived it. I advocated for children within the systems for years. I advocate for myself each day. You’re not, unfortunately, the first practitioner with the clear inability to see beyond the structures of power to which you ascribe and attempt to explain away racism and oppression.

Thank you.



정유선, Retired Soloist @rccltalent, LSW, PhD Student
정유선, Retired Soloist @rccltalent, LSW, PhD Student

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