This article needed to be written. I am asserting I am not Black. I mean no disrespect, and will not speak as though this is my space or my culture. However. Having dealt with Black men my entire life — unfortunately, this article really, really resonated with me. I felt every word. It’s very confusing and manipulative and hard to tell the difference. A lot of Black men are very outwardly successful, but, unfortunately, are also extremely manipulative and emotionally and financially abusive to women of color they partner. Honestly? It’s extremely exhausting to be someone’s partner who is constantly allowed to talk about how the world is so oppressive to them and how we aren’t really “a real rider” if we don’t, well, like this article said, allow ourselves to be walked all over and scammed out of our hard earned money, time, respect, and mutual support. Men are still men at the end of the day, to be honest. But there’s something especially stinging when this type of bullshit comes from men of color. I know as a conscious minority woman and mom of a BIPOC/AAPI boy myself, I always want to do what is best in helping be an agent of power and change for our men in the community. But sometimes, it’s just straight up scammy and bulllshit. I don’t even want to put Black men out there like that. It’s just that. Damn. This article was fire. And it’s honestly the MF truth sometimes. It’s just wrong. I have straight up felt pimped out in the past. We’re empathic by nature and design, us women. But as minority women, we’re also extremely vulnerable. Black men need to realize that we as WOMEN of color are lower on the power food chain than they are, so stop with the misogynistic and manipulative, exploitative behavior disguised as love, and level TF up. Sorry. That was a lot. I just really felt this article. It is the truth.